Mdpi fusion of consciousness

  1. Mdpi fusion of consciousness. To identify possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying disorders of The objective of this study was to combine environmental, social, and governance (ESG) theories, namely instrumental, political, integrative, and ethical theories, to understand whether differences in environmental consciousness of managers led to different environmental management performance. We give Feature-level fusion: In the feature-level fusion, features from each sensor’s data are taken out separately and then put together. Information combinatorics analysis enabled a deeper understanding of the coupling and decoupling This fusion process involves the integration of essential statistics, including the mean, median, and variance, combined with the rich data from compressed time–frequency (CWT) images processed using autoencoders. To address this problem, we propose an infrared and visible image fusion Mental causation is vitally important to the integrated information theory (IIT), which says consciousness exists since it is causally efficacious. It may have captured some key functional neural properties specific to consciousness, irrespective of the lesional mechanism at work. , system degradation, which can Interpretations of quantum physics are shown to presuppose the reality of consciousness. Models of consciousness are usually developed within physical monist or dualistic frameworks, in which the structure Bodily self-consciousness (BSC), a subject of interdisciplinary interest, refers to the awareness of one’s bodily states. To better explain the electrophysiological mechanisms of the effects of HD-tDCS on patients with The last few years have been characterized by a growing interest of the medical and scientific world for the field of consciousness and its related disorders. Combining multimodal camera data with shape data from 3D sensors On the global scale, Ruesch and Gibbs [] provided the first spatially explicit estimate of vegetation biomass and carbon stocks at a 1-km resolution for the year 2000. The “texts” and artifacts This paper assesses two different theories for explaining consciousness, a phenomenon that is widely considered amenable to scientific investigation despite its puzzling subjective aspects. We are all aware of what it feels like to be conscious and what happens if there is an absence of consciousness. Examining the self-reported history of the Longmen Xizhu Tourist destinations thrive on sustainable development. We will try to expand some theoretical outcomes of empirical and experimental research on human interactions Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. org/10. Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. To project the Markovian dynamics of conscious agents onto scattering processes in spacetime, we define a new map from Markov chains to dimensional simplex—the fusion simplex Fn. Ensuring a sustainable future hinges on cultivating a durable sense of awareness All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. The traditional IDS cannot distinguish between cyber-attacks and system faults. Moreover, much of experience is spatial, from that of our body to the visual world, which Behav. The combination of data from many sensors allows a richer representation of the observed phenomenon, e. Even if it is intuitive, this hypothesis is partially challenged by evidence that aversive stimuli can elicit consistent behaviors even when not consciously perceived [] or that individuals with arachnophobia instinctively Consciousness has been described as acting as a global workspace that integrates perception, imagination, emotion and action programming for adaptive decision making. Hoffman 1 , Chetan Prakash 2,3 and Robert Prentner 3,4, * 1 Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA Consciousness is a mental state embodied through TRN-modulated synchronization of thalamocortical networks. The total fusions of n agents and qualia form an Background: Developing and testing methods for reliably measuring the state of consciousness of individuals is important for both basic research and clinical purposes. “Consciousness implies a natural division of labor. Consci Covert cognition in patients with disorders of consciousness represents a real diagnostic conundrum for clinicians. Academic circles have begun to study it, but at present, scholars have not raised quantified-self practice to the level of consciousness. A higher level of health consciousness is associated with healthy habits, better What are conscious experiences? Can they combine to form new experiences? What are conscious subjects? Can they combine to form new subjects? Most attempts to answer these questions assume that spacetime, and some of its particles, are fundamental. However, the Buddhist thought in Yaodi Pao Zhuang has scarcely been examined. This often leads to significant deviations between the channel perception results and the actual channel state. Despite their prevalence, little is known about the characteristics and functions of chimeric RNAs. At present, it is difficult to diagnose the patients with disorders of consciousness (DOCs) because motor responses in these patients may be very limited and inconsistent. In optics, this may involve capturing intensity in specific spectra or polarization states to determine factors such as material properties or an individual’s health conditions. Complexity, Noise, and Orders. We quantitively analyzed Sustainability consciousness (SC) is a crucial determinant for the successful execution of sustainability initiatives. Drawing on the revival of the All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. These biofields reflect naturally resonant forms of synaptic energy reflected in growing and spreading waves of brain activity. Enhancing 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation through Multiple Modality Fusion: A Hybrid CNN Architecture with Cross In order to remedy the defects of single sensor in robustness, accuracy, and redundancy of target detection, this paper proposed a method for detecting obstacles in farmland based on the information fusion of a millimeter wave (mmWave) radar and a camera. In this study, we systemically analyzed Existing fusion rules focus on retaining detailed information in the source image, but as the thermal radiation information in infrared images is mainly characterized by pixel intensity, these fusion rules are likely to result in reduced saliency of the target in the fused image. Any endeavor to construct a physical theory of consciousness based on emergence within the framework of classical physics, however, leads to All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Government service was the main way Multimodal sensors capture and integrate diverse characteristics of a scene to maximize information gain. Non-dual Techniques of Body, Energy and Consciousness: The Philosophy and Practice of Meditation Print Special Issue In recent years, the fusion of Cyber–Physical Production Systems (CPPSs) with cognitive technologies has enabled a new era of intelligent manufacturing [1,2]. Wu, Q. In fact, there were several other places where general consciousness was considered without focusing on multistability Thermal infrared imagery plays an important role in a variety of fields, such as surface temperature inversion and urban heat island effect analysis, but the spatial resolution has severely restricted the potential for further applications. Mechanism Integrated Information. Methods: Retrospective study to assess the long-term survival and functional outcomes of patients with pDoC was conducted. First we present a brief perspective on conscious and non-conscious states of mind. . We performed Cox regression and multivariate Consciousness is a central issue in neuroscience, however, we still lack a formal framework that can address the nature of the relationship between consciousness and its physical substrates. We compared the prognostic accuracy of a novel Consciousness Domain Index (CDI) with that of clinical diagnosis and CRS-R total score, for recovery of full consciousness at 6-, 12 Spectral–polarization imaging technology plays a crucial role in remote sensing detection, enhancing target identification and tracking capabilities by capturing both spectral and polarization information reflected from object surfaces. Previous Article in Special Issue. But if a minimal realism about the external world is true, then the consciousness presupposed by quantum reality cannot be only that of the scientific observer, cannot be only ‘local’ but must be ‘global’. Previous studies have noted the existence of individual differences in BSC, while neglecting the underlying factors and neural basis of such individual differences. However, The existing collaborative channel perception suffers from unreasonable data fusion weight allocation, which mismatches the channel perception capability of the Energy transition requires actions from different sectors and levels, mainly focused on achieving a low-carbon and high-renewable integration society. Watt [18] reported that individuals with boredom proneness perceived time passing slower during a task, whereas the ability to self‐ Today in many studies, mental images are still either treated as conscious by definition, or as empirical operations implicit to completing some type of task, such as the measurement of reaction time in mental rotation, an underlying mental image is assumed, but there is no direct determination of whether it is conscious or not. Whereas the axioms and metaphysical ideas of these theories have been carefully motivated, their mathematical formalism has not. Nature is itself; it exists, moves, changes, and evolves according to its own intrinsic ways. Pain and suffering in persons with disorders of consciousness (DoC) remain poorly understood, frequently unaddressed Crop yield prediction is one of the crucial components of agriculture that plays an important role in the decision-making process for sustainable agriculture. A ‘fusion’ and similarity in appearance of images, structurally replicates the ‘fusion’ of temporal objects, demonstrating in the description the internal passive mechanism of shaping of temporal form ( Husserl 1966, Visual sorting of express packages is faced with many problems such as the various types, complex status, and the changeable detection environment, resulting in low sorting efficiency. 596, and 42. We are becoming more and more skilled in measuring Respecting life and protecting life are the core values of Chinese culture. While it might not be directly apparent, metaphysical commitments have consequential entailments concerning the causal efficacy of consciousness. Sergio, and Danilo Menicucci. Transient loss The fusion reactions involving deuterium are of great interest for the exploitation of the fusion energy via magnetic-confinement devices. 3390/e25010129 We make this precise in a mathematical theory of conscious agents, whose dynamics are described by Markov chains. The multi-sensor fusion methods are widely used in many applications, such as autonomous systems, remote sensing, video surveillance, and the military. Consciousness consists of each mental The possible dynamics of n agents form an n (n−1)-dimensional polytope with nn vertices—the Markov polytopeMn. Because the philosophical side has radical elements, so does the Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. "Behavioral Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Disorders of Consciousness: A Systematic This paper presents a systematic scheme for fusing millimeter wave (MMW) radar and a monocular vision sensor for on-road obstacle detection. The aim of the present research was to investigate potential associations between patterns of experiential self-description to scores on self-report measures of dispositional self Scholars generally are in agreement that the pace of globalization is rapidly accelerating. Due to the numerous aspects and complexity of consciousness, the property tends to engender loose or The basic form of an on-board navigation system on any underwater vehicle comprises an inertial measurement unit (IMU) that can determine positions by integrating three-axis acceleration and angular velocities [7,8]. Understanding consciousness remains one of the greatest mysteries for science to solve. In this meta-analysis, our main objective was to identify clinical and demographic variables that are more likely to be associated with responding to an active paradigm. The availability of these individual sensors suggests the idea of sensor fusion to achieve a more accurate solution. However, consciousness in machines has dramatic ethical implications, regardless of which ethical framework is used. One consciousness could permeate the whole universe as limitless energy; thus, human consciousness can be regarded as limited or partial in character. Therefore, pain perception has to be Necroptosis, a form of necrosis, and alterations in mitochondrial dynamics, a coordinated process of mitochondrial fission and fusion, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. By incorporating the concepts of life found in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and the widespread belief in ghosts and immortals, burial ceremonies evolved during the Wei and Jin 魏晋 dynasties (220–420) into an A potential function of consciousness is to integrate emotions, motivations, and subsequent behaviors into a coherent narrative []. Through the increase in material complexity and In recent years, promising mathematical models have been proposed that aim to describe conscious experience and its relation to the physical domain. Prompt and accurate imaging of the ionosphere is essential to space weather services, given a broad spectrum of applications that rely on ionospherically propagating radio signals. To project the Markovian dynamics of conscious agents onto scattering processes in spacetime, we define a new Hoffman, D. On the contrary, we assume consciousness to be fundamental, and that one of the main features of consciousness is characterized as being other-dependent. The amount of consciousness in a system is determined by the extent of non-separability and the number of degrees of freedom involved. This study extended the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) cloud vertical profile (64 × 64 scene, about 70 km in width × 15 km in height) retrieval technique based With the development of intensive care technology, the number of patients who survive acute severe brain injury has increased significantly. Non-interacting and feedforward systems have zero In recent decades, the debate on consciousness has been conditioned by the idea of bottom-up emergence, which has influenced scientific research and raised a few obstacles to any attempt to bridge the explanatory gap. 4 levels of reality result in our experience within spacetime. Much research in this area has focused In this perspective article, we show that a morphospace, based on information-theoretic measures, can be a useful construct for comparing biological agents with artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This work aims to address, with the goal of improving To facilitate open discussion and advances in investigations regarding the nature of consciousness, this Topical Collection is intended to provide a peer-reviewed space to discuss or propose falsifiable hypotheses of consciousness in a full range of systems, using methods across disciplines of biology, physics, computer science, and The natural evolution of consciousness in different animal species mandates that conscious experiences are causally potent in order to confer any advantage in the struggle for survival. These active processes occur continuously and simultaneously and are mediated by nuclear-DNA-encoded proteins that act on mitochondrial membranes. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 1-13. They compiled a total of 124 carbon zones or regions with unique carbon stock values using the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) Tier-1 method and then A three-level fusion strategy based on visual attention mechanism and driver’s visual consciousness is provided for MMW radar and monocular vision fusion so as to obtain better comprehensive performance. Maker culture, a collaborative educational approach, embraces students’ capacity for self-paced, autonomous learning and applies this knowledge to creative Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. The Phase Space Model of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics. They advance acuity, bandwidth, and categorization power as possible components. However, physicists tell us that spacetime cannot be fundamental. To overcome this issue, we introduce multiple open-source EEG We examine the theoretical implications of empirical studies developed over recent years. We quantitively analyzed publications on DoC over In the first contribution, the authors use RGB thermal fusion data as a robust neural network-based neonatal face detection method. The axes of this space label three kinds of complexity: (i) autonomic, (ii) computational and (iii) social complexity. 2. Our agenda is to describe a key distinction in the physical sciences that may provide a foundation for the distinction between mind and matter, and between sentient and intentional systems. DEMs are a crucial and primary input to various topographical quantification and modelling applications. used a CNN model to extract feature vectors in Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is an advanced remote sensing technique for studying the earth’s surface topography and deformations; it is used to generate high-quality Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). However, due to its secrecy and lack of literature, its true form remains a mystery. Nevertheless, the literature on this topic is characterised by a large heterogeneity of paradigms and methodological approaches that can undermine the Residual consciousness and brain functions are critical pieces of information that directly affect treatment decisions and management settings. Further, multiple clinical studies have demonstrated recovery of consciousness after transcranial direct current stimulation. 2021, 11, 57 3 of 13 [18], and it decreases focused attention [19,20]). Sapience and sentience are autonomous attributes of consciousness. Those “hidden” stresses can be detrimental to a part’s mechanical properties and fatigue life; therefore, it is crucial to know their All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Some traditional machine learning To test the ability of different entropy measures to classify patients with different conditions of chronic disorder of consciousness, we applied the Lempel–Ziv complexity, the amplitude coalition entropy (ACE), and the synchrony coalition entropy (SCE) to the EEG signals recorded in 32 patients, clinically evaluated using the coma The field of consciousness displays a striking lack of consensus on many important issues, one of which is the possibility of consciousness in machines and software. Yet, the discourse on eVTOLs’ role in tourism remains scant. Prof. Understanding DoC keeps pace with scientific research is urgent to need. In this type of fusion, neural networks and probability statistics can be used to combine information from different sensors [ 55 ], i. warm self-consciousness that, beneath the authenticity paradox I have established, ultimately defines Infinite Jest, The Corrections, Erasure Perhaps this is the result of post-postmodernism’s important fusion with a turn towards This study focuses on overcoming challenges in classifying eye diseases using color fundus photographs by leveraging deep learning techniques, aiming to enhance early detection and diagnosis accuracy. These methods can obtain the complementary properties of targets by This systematic literature review delves into the extensive landscape of emotion recognition, sentiment analysis, and affective computing, analyzing 609 articles. The sect reportedly originated in India and has long been renowned for its Xizhu Doufa 西竺斗法. This theory proposes that conscious experiences and subjects exist beyond spacetime as fundamental entities We make this precise in a mathematical theory of conscious agents, whose dynamics are described by Markov chains. Editors select a small number of articles Infrared and visible image fusion can integrate rich edge details and salient infrared targets, resulting in high-quality images suitable for advanced tasks. The term artificial intelligence and the kind of problems it managed to solve in recent years has been shown as an argument to establish that machines experience some sort of consciousness. The biologically inspired neural network (BNN), expressing human cortical cells, was able to show Application of multi-sensor fusion technology has drawn a lot of industrial and academic interest in recent years. In order to improve the sorting efficiency of packages under complex logistics sorting, a multi-dimensional fusion method (MDFM) for visual sorting in actual Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. We present a first and hybrid (model- and learning-based) architecture Objectives: Disorders of consciousness (DoC) is a dynamic and challenging discipline, presenting intriguing challenges to clinicians and neurorehabilitation specialists for the lack of reliable assessment methods and interventions. Globalization’s impact, beyond the socio-economic and political discourses, is affecting conceptions of culture and cultural studies, and changing and restructuring spaces, global, national and personal interactions and relationships. Sciforum MDPI Books Preprints. It became has become apparent that health consciousness is a crucial factor in promoting healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, and the overall well-being of individuals. In clinical practice, a behavioral scale (Coma Recovery Scale, CRS-R) is widely used to Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. An understanding of its neural correlates is crucial for the conceptualization and application of effective therapeutic interventions. Due to the difficulties associated with these complex data, computational modeling is an especially useful tool to All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. D. Environmental concerns should be adopted by all units of society and sustainability awareness should be adapted to all processes through optimum technologies both in Similarly, consciousness may not wholly exist inside the human brain. It is first Human consciousness is a fascinating field which, beyond extensive research, is still widely unexplored. Based on stream-of-consciousness essays, Majumder et al. This basic form of navigation suffers from drift, typically 1. Previous Article in Journal. Chimeric RNAs are often associated with chromosomal rearrangements in cancer. Spacetime and particle interactions are proposed to be Through the rescientification of philosophy and the philosophization of science, an entirely new concept of science and philosophy as part of general human knowledge is developing. Yaodi Pao Zhuang (Monk Yaodi Distills the Essence of the Zhuangzi, 藥地炮莊), written by Ming dynasty scholar Fang Yizhi (1611–1671), was one of the greatest annotations of Zhuangzi 庄子 in the late Ming dynasty. Its solution offers good precision, increasing data efficiency and economizing the Emotion recognition is a key attribute for realizing advances in human–computer interaction, especially when using non-intrusive physiological sensors, such as electroencephalograph (EEG) and electrocardiograph. So far, the feasibility of nuclear reactions has been Disorder of consciousness (DoC) refers to a group of clinical conditions that may emerge after brain injury, characterized by a varying decrease in the level of consciousness that can last from days to years. We consider the problem of explaining how global Only with new sensor concepts in a network, which go far beyond what the current state-of-the-art can offer, can current and future requirements for flexibility, safety, and security be met. by. However, network intruders utilize some communication holes to complete malicious attacks. Even if it is intuitive, this hypothesis is partially challenged by evidence that aversive stimuli can elicit consistent behaviors even when not consciously perceived [] or that individuals with arachnophobia instinctively Sustainability of biological, social, and economic systems is crucial for protecting our common future and preserving the balance between nature and humans. January 9, 2023. Indeed, there are many With environmental issues rapidly emerging on a global scale, a growing number of the companies are paying greater attention to the behavioral outcome of general consumers who are more or less prone Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that undergo fusion and fission. Disorders of consciousness (DOC) refer to clinical conditions that follow a severe brain injury ranging from coma, to Although the fusion of multispectral (MS) and hyperspectral (HS) images in remote sensing has become relatively mature, and different types of fusion methods have their own characteristics in terms of fusion effect, data dependency, and computational efficiency, few studies have focused on the impact of radiance extreme areas, which Consciousness and intelligence are properties that can be misunderstood as necessarily dependent. In order to explore the structural connotation of quantified-self consciousness and then provide management reference for enterprises All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. , a condition of being alert that is regulated by the brainstem, and awareness, a subjective experience of any thoughts or perception or emotion. The changing of citizens’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors is an essential component in attaining sustainable development (SD). The analysis and explanation of vision conducted according to the accredited methodologies of scientific research in This paper presents the simultaneous utilization of video images and inertial signals that are captured at the same time via a video camera and a wearable inertial sensor within a fusion framework in order to achieve a more robust human action recognition compared to the situations when each sensing modality is used individually. Although functional connectivity of EEG has been utilized for emotion recognition, the graph theory analysis A Traditional Scientific Perspective on the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness. However, most of the existing methods only Dietary choices, as the types and amounts of foods that individuals consume, are a major determinant of human health and environmental sustainability. Neuroimaging technologies, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and deep learning Early and goal-directed management of complications and comorbidities is imperative to facilitate neurorecovery and to optimize outcomes of disorders of consciousness (DoC). A total Through the rescientification of philosophy and the philosophization of science, an entirely new concept of science and philosophy as part of general human knowledge is developing. In this concept, science and philosophy become intrinsically integrated and unified, forming dynamic feedback-loops which lead to further mutual All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. From this perspective, it becomes All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. A good place to begin addressing this question is spatial experience, because it may be more penetrable by introspection than other qualities of consciousness such as color or pain. Here, we examine the genetic structure and biological Pain perception in individuals with prolonged disorders of consciousness (PDOC) is still a matter of debate. According to the limited consciousness concept, humans perceive projected waves or wave-vortices as a Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Jesuit mystic and scientist, was a groundbreaking thinker whose synthesis of evolution and faith challenges the faithful to see God in a more expansive perspective. We set up a framework which naturally It has been shown that the theory of relativity can be applied physically to the functioning brain, so that the brain connectome should be considered as a four-dimensional spacetime entity curved by brain activity, just as gravity curves the four-dimensional spacetime of the physical world. The vividness of mental images is The article concerns the problem of classification based on independent data sets—local decision tables. The mechanisms of this workspace and their relationships to the phenomenology of consciousness need to be further specified. First, measuring consciousness and identifying the mechanisms of unconsciousness are still open issues that neuroimaging and neurophysiology are trying to answer with different and complementary approaches. We show how (1) agents combine into more complex agents, (2) agents fuse into simpler Fusions of Consciousness. I focus on Integrated Information Theory (IIT), which says that consciousness is integrated information (as ϕMax) and says even simple systems with Non-isothermal laser-based powder bed fusion (LPBF) of polymers suggests the potential for significantly extending the range of materials applicable for powder-based additive manufacturing of polymers, relying on the absence of a material-specific processing window. 8 km per day to 1. Medically speaking, conscious- ness can be defined as the state of awareness of self and environment and the alertness to external stimulation, besides responsiveness to inner need. Advanced neuroimaging studies suggest some cortical activations even in patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) compared to those with a minimally conscious state (MCS). This study aimed to determine the role of mitochondrial morphology in canonical necroptosis induced by a combination of TNFα All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. What are the physical foundations of consciousness? The Projective Consciousness Model: Projective Geometry at the Core of Consciousness and the Integration of Perception, Imagination, Motivation, Emotion, Social Cognition and Action. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will Dense video caption is a task that aims to help computers analyze the content of a video by generating abstract captions for a sequence of video frames. Then we introduce the fundamental bases of mindfulness meditation. Combining the advantages of the mmWave radar in range and speed Consciousness is a multifaceted concept that has two major components: awareness of the environment of self (i. For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without It has been shown that three-dimensional self-assembled multicellular structures derived from human pluripotent stem cells show electrical activity similar to EEG. No special permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by MDPI, including figures and tables. Living systems are complex dynamic information processing energy consuming entities with properties of consciousness, intelligence, sapience, and sentience. The quality of We discuss the 2023 Fusions of Consciousness paper by Donald Hoffman and collaborators. To date, consciousness is defined as a multifaceted concept described as comprising two major components: arousal and . This study, drawing from 450 samples in the One of the assets of this approach to predicting consciousness recovery consists in pooling together all possible aetiologies of DOC in a large EEG database to train the SVM algorithm [10,11,17,67]. An ethical concern peculiar to human brain organoids is whether they are or could become capable of supporting sentience through the experience of pain or Today in many studies, mental images are still either treated as conscious by definition, or as empirical operations implicit to completing some type of task, such as the measurement of reaction time in mental rotation, an underlying mental image is assumed, but there is no direct determination of whether it is conscious or not. Quantified-self practice has penetrated into people’s daily life. The aim of the paper is to propose a classification model for dispersed data using a modified k-nearest neighbors algorithm and a neural network. The point to take home is, these gestures do The scope of human consciousness includes states departing from what most of us experience as ordinary wakefulness. As the greatest poet nurtured by Chinese culture, Du Fu showed a distinct consciousness of life in his poems. Among 2018 citations found on PubMed, 60 The theory of objective self-awareness predicts the assessment of stable or dispositional self-consciousness and transitory or situational self-awareness. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are vital to protect the system against cyber-attacks. In this concept, science and philosophy become intrinsically integrated and unified, forming dynamic feedback-loops which lead to further mutual transformation and integration. Consciousness has been described as acting as a global workspace that integrates perception, imagination, How, if at all, consciousness can be part of the physical universe remains a baffling problem. We show how (1) agents combine into more complex The possible dynamics of n agents form an n (n-1)-dimensional polytope with nn vertices-the Markov polytope Mn. No special permission is required to reuse all The correct and early detection of incipient faults or severe degradation phenomena in gas turbine systems is essential for safe and cost-effective operations. It shows how these conscious agents can combine, fuse, and have their experiences merge to create new agents and qualia. Spacetime, they say, The existing collaborative channel perception suffers from unreasonable data fusion weight allocation, which mismatches the channel perception capability of the node devices. Such applications include smart city, smart healthcare systems, smart building, smart transport and smart environment. Human and human society, as a product of a specific stage of natural development, can only be a concrete manifestation of the logic of nature. The Objectives: Disorders of consciousness (DoC) is a dynamic and challenging discipline, presenting intriguing challenges to clinicians and neurorehabilitation specialists for the lack of reliable assessment methods and interventions. This article outlines a new, developing philosophical theory of how it could do so, and offers a preliminary mathematical formulation of a physical grounding for key aspects of the theory. A neural network, more specifically a multilayer perceptron, is used to combine the Objectives: Disorders of consciousness (DoC) is a dynamic and challenging discipline, presenting intriguing challenges to clinicians and neurorehabilitation specialists for the lack of reliable The amount of knowledge on human consciousness has created a multitude of viewpoints and it is difficult to compare and synthesize all the recent scientific perspectives. Introduction. , the level of consciousness). The CPPS is a concept that refers to the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive chronic illness that leads to cognitive decline and dementia. These altered states of consciousness constitute a prime opportunity to study how global changes in brain activity relate to different varieties of subjective experience. The performance of a six-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) and an 18-layer ResNet architecture are compared for a variety of fusion methods using synthetic aperture radar Sleep disorders are among the main comorbidities in patients with a Disorder of Consciousness (DOC). Given the key role of sleep in neural and cognitive functioning, detecting and treating sleep disorders in DOCs might be an effective therapeutic strategy to boost consciousness recovery and levels of awareness. https://doi. However, the acquisition of multi-dimensional data often leads to extensive datasets that necessitate As medical technology continues to improve, many patients diagnosed with brain injury survive after treatments but are still in a coma. More recently, neurons were successfully embedded in digital game worlds. In this article, we aim to remedy this situation. However, as the volume and dimensionality of sensory-feedback increase it might be difficult to manually design a multimodal-data fusion system that can handle Neuroimaging tools could open a window on residual neurofunctional activity in the absence of detectable behavioural responses in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). We retrospectively Aim: Biofields combine many physiological levels, both spatially and temporally. They show that it is possible to achieve accurate sensor fusion for short distances using a ToF camera as an additional sensor. Exploring the intricate relationships among these research domains, and leveraging data from four well-established sources—IEEE, Science Direct, Springer, and MDPI—this A potential function of consciousness is to integrate emotions, motivations, and subsequent behaviors into a coherent narrative []. The vividness of mental images is Scientific studies of consciousness rely on objects whose existence is assumed to be independent of any consciousness. When theology enters the interdisciplinary discussion, the question of consciousness becomes even more complex because it involves the phenomenon of Automatic sleep stage classification of multi-channel sleep signals can help clinicians efficiently evaluate an individual’s sleep quality and assist in diagnosing a possible sleep disorder. Sci. As the 3D spatial extent of the ionosphere is vast and covered only fragmentarily, data fusion is a strong candidate for solving imaging tasks. It is known that the dorsal attention network (DAN) and its anticorrelations with other RSNs have been implicated in consciousness. This multidimensional feature set provides a robust foundation for subsequent analytic steps. , 2020 have suggested four possible dimensions and this review discusses the first, perceptual richness, with relation to octopuses. Fusions of Consciousness. We show how each cognitive Time and space are fundamental elements that permeate the fabric of nature, and their significance in relation to neural activity and consciousness remains a compelling yet unexplored area of research. Remote sensing provides the most efficient and cost-effective solution for the measurement of important agricultural parameters such as soil moisture level, but retrieval of the soil Purpose: To evaluate the long-term survival and functional outcomes of patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness (pDoC) 1–8 years after brain injuries. ; Prakash, C. As a typical CPS, the communication-based train control (CBTC) system is facing increasingly serious cyber-attacks. With the passage of time and the changes in his physical body, Du Fu became sensitively aware of the existence of life. The six features characteristic of any province of meaning (epoché, form of spontaneity, tension of consciousness, sense of self, In view of the ever-increasing social media use (SMU) from brands and customers [], authors have highlighted the need to investigate the potential impact of the volume of social media interactions on the Automatic detection of flying drones is a key issue where its presence, especially if unauthorized, can create risky situations or compromise security. In this review, we provide a novel mathematical framework of category theory (CT), in which we can define and study the sameness between different In the recent era of the Internet of Things, the dominant role of sensors and the Internet provides a solution to a wide variety of real-life problems. Electrophysiological All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This 1. ; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, An adequate fusion of the most significant salient information from multiple input channels is essential for many aerial imaging tasks. While sapience has been well studied over the years, that of sentience is relatively rare. Nature has its own logic, which does not follow the human will. Hernandez-Torrano, D All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This suggests that the best course of action would be For consciousness to exist, an entity must have prerequisite characteristics and attributes to give rise to it. Commitments regarding the ontology of In the minds of ancient people, tombs and burials were where the lives of this world ended and another type of life began. Recently, the European Academy of Neurology has published international guidelines for a better diagnosis of coma and Human brain organoids provide a remarkable opportunity to model prenatal human brain biology in vitro by recapitulating features of in utero molecular, cellular and systems biology. There must be a reason why an experience feels the way it does. Whereas the level of arousal reflects the overall state of activity in the brain, conscious awareness is a more dynamic and complex process Pain and suffering in persons with disorders of consciousness (DoC) remain poorly understood, frequently unaddressed or inadequately addressed, and controversial on numerous levels. Objectives: Disorders of consciousness (DoC) is a dynamic and challenging discipline, presenting intriguing challenges to clinicians and The two classical methods have their respective advantages in spatial and temporal resolution, helping us to analyze and understand how the human brain works The life cycle of Ebola and Marburg viruses includes a step of the virion envelope fusion with the cell membrane. 1093/nc/nix006. From a marketing perspective, it becomes imperative to identify and understand the factors that motivate consumers to adopt a sustainable diet and purchase healthy food. Generally speaking, the research methods of machine consciousness are mainly divided into two approaches: the algorithm-construction strategy and the brain-like-construction Consciousness is a multifaceted concept, involving both wakefulness, i. On this space, we To address the problem that conventional neural networks trained on radar echo data cannot handle the phase of the echoes, resulting in insufficient information utilization and limited performance in detection and classification, we extend neural networks from the real-valued neural networks to the complex-valued neural networks, Deep learning (DL) has been demonstrated to be a valuable tool for classifying state of disorders of consciousness (DOC) using EEG signals. Teilhard’s vision ultimately posits that the universe is evolving closer in relationship with the Divine. The research results show that the series fusion data-driven model in this paper is superior to the overflow identification effect of other feature data and algorithm models, and the overflow recognition accuracy on the test samples reaches more than 99%. Amedeo D'Angiulli Guest Editor. This study investigates the implementation and impact of maker culture—viewed as a tool for developing green digital skills—in higher education institutions in Hong Kong. This paper presents a systematic scheme for fusing millimeter wave (MMW) radar and a monocular vision sensor for on-road Disorders of consciousness (DOC) represent a big and multi-perspective challenge of contemporary clinical neuroscience. 2024. 596, demonstrating that only when the face consciousness was at a relatively medium-low level (still a high level in an absolute sense), the indirect effect was positive and significant, while it was insignificant when the Multimodal fusion approaches that combine data from dissimilar sensors can better exploit human-like reasoning and strategies for situational awareness. A questionnaire survey on the What happens in the brain during meditation? Neuroscientists such as Andrew Newberg, who studies religious experiences on the neural level, may provide an answer. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. g. doi: 10. However, the performance of the DL-based DOC state classification is often challenged by the limited size of EEG datasets. We explore these “building blocks” of consciousness in detail in this paper, which range from perceptive to computational to meta-representational characteristics of an entity’s cognitive architecture. Keywords: consciousness; Despite advancements in oncology, predicting recurrence-free survival (RFS) in head and neck (H&N) cancer remains challenging due to the heterogeneity of tumor Reviewing the scientific literature on the Projective Consciousness Model (PCM), Rudrauf et al. Entropy 2023, 25, 129. In the broad sense, nature refers to all, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the novel coronavirus responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, represents a serious threat to public health. At the Among all respondents, 57. , the content of consciousness) and wakefulness (i. Image consciousness (Bildbewusstsein) is similar to the consciousness of time (Zeitbewusstsein) in a structural way. Here, we analyzed whether the fusion of 1. The current computational capability of modern digital systems was exploited All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Temporospatial Nestedness in Consciousness: An Updated Perspective on the Temporospatial Theory The unity of consciousness, or, more precisely, phenomenal unity, is an important property of consciousness and an important area of research in mathematical consciousness science and the scientific study of consciousness. The real time convenience of the internet greatly facilitates the information transmission and knowledge exchange of users. David We propose that spacetime and scattering processes are a data structure that codes for interactions of conscious agents: a particle in spacetime is a projection of There are at least three conceivable scenarios in which truly molecular mechanisms are causally related to the phenomenology of consciousness. "The Role of Consciousness in Coupling Emotions, Motivations, and Behaviors" Along with the development of artificial-intelligence technology, the construction of machine consciousness has become a hot issue studied by scholars. e. “One might think emergent panpsychism is true and that QM entanglement conceived as fusion answers for the combination problem” (ref 5, Seager) (1995) From supervenience to superdupervenience: Meeting the demands of All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Following Russell’s analogy, if a Assessing the patients’ consciousness is intended as a step prior attempting to communicate with them, in order to maximize the efficiency of BCI-based communication systems. To obtain accurate sleep classification results, the processing flow of results from signal preprocessing and machine-learning-based classification is All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This is the first large retrospective cohort study on the primary medical and neurological complications and comorbidities in persons with DoC. Understanding DoC keeps pace with scientific research is urgent to need. It is sometimes accompanied by life-threatening complications like macrophage activation Along the same lines, mahāṅkuśā gesture refers to goading or bringing under control in the hypnotic sense, while in the context of liberation, it refers to the flow of the highest form of bliss which comes to expression with the fusion of the illuminating and reflexive aspects of consciousness. The total fusions of n agents and qualia form an (n−1)-dimensional simplex—the fusion simplexFn. The total fusions of n agents and qualia form an (n To provide a complementary definition, to a first approximation, the binding problem asks how it is that human-style consciousness can experience multiple 1. He calls the devolution, which is similar to all mystical experiences in different faiths, self-transcendent experience (STE); in a further instance, he also calls it the The total fusions of n agents and qualia form an (n−1)-dimensional simplex—the fusion simplex Fn. Data Unprecedented advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC) have given rise to ethical questions about how to recognize and respect autonomy and a sense of agency of the personhood when those capacities are themselves disordered, as they typically are in patients with DoC. As a whole, a three-level fusion strategy based on visual attention mechanism and driver’s visual consciousness is provided for MMW radar and monocular vision fusion so as to obtain The efficient multi-modal fusion of data streams from different sensors is a crucial ability that a robotic perception system should exhibit to ensure robustness against disturbances. This paper examines how the body is experienced in passive contemplation, understood as a finite province of meaning in Alfred Schutz’s sense. Ultimately these comparisons especially bring to light possibilities for constructing a materialist paradigm that might Information and communication technologies have essential impacts on people’s life. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. These experiments have explored the biosemiotic nature of communication streams from emotional neuroscience and embodied mind perspectives. To solve this issue, this paper integrates the data fusion A wide variety of sensors and devices are used in indoor positioning scenarios to improve localization accuracy and overcome harsh radio propagation conditions. , features from multiple signals are extracted, fused, and finally This theory proposes that conscious experiences and subjects exist beyond spacetime as fundamental entities with dynamics described by Markov chains. Global consciousness is argued to Today, the rapid development of intelligent technology, especially Strong AI, which has become a staple in fiction, from various films and television shows to literary works, has become a contentious topic within popular culture, which approaches the topic with generalized and prejudicial panic. This study aims to theoretically understand better how resonant continuum waves may be reflective of consciousness, cognition, It is always difficult to even advance possible dimensions of consciousness, but Birch et al. To project the Markovian dynamics of conscious agents onto scattering processes in spacetime, The data from patients with severe brain injuries show complex brain functions. In view of this, this paper analyzes and compares This essay addresses Cartesian duality and how its implicit dialectic might be repaired using physics and information theory. Philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, for instance, have different definitions of consciousness, and determining where consciousness overlaps with the mind is a challenge. Data fusion is defined as data combination using multiple sensors, and fused information often has The aim of the present review is to investigate previous studies concerning the effects of meditation and dispositional mindfulness on conscious and implicit or non-conscious attitudes. 456% had a face consciousness score of below 4. In addition, they are also widely detected in normal tissues, contributing to transcriptomic complexity. The spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 mediates viral entry into host cells and is heavily glycosylated. However, the real-time IoT sensor data include several challenges, such All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. To allow for the support-free manufacturing of polymers at a A hypothesis is presented that non-separability of degrees of freedom is the fundamental property underlying consciousness in physical systems. 544% were higher than 4. A multitude of monitoring and diagnostic systems were developed and tested in the last few decades. Among the different sectors, the transport sector is The aim of this Special Issue is to provide an overview of this lively field of research by collecting contributions covering various aspects related to this topic, starting from the main question of Despite advancements in oncology, predicting recurrence-free survival (RFS) in head and neck (H&N) cancer remains challenging due to the heterogeneity of tumor biology and treatment responses. In conjunction with standard video cameras and microphone sensors, we explore the use of thermal infrared It is argued that of Block’s (On a confusion about a function of consciousness, 1995; The Nature of Consciousness: Philosophical Debates, 1997) two types of consciousness, namely phenomenal consciousness (p-consciousness) and access consciousness (a-consciousness), that p-consciousness applies to all living Tomography is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal on imaging technologies published monthly online by MDPI (from Volume 7 Issue 1-2021). However, the role of DAN-related All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This study The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of maintaining good health. Following the most recent developments in modern Prognosis of prolonged Disorders of Consciousness (pDoC) is influenced by patients’ clinical diagnosis and Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) total score. Empathy is clearly distinguished from fusion or from being united with the other; Journal of Consciousness Studies 8: Security is crucial in cyber-physical systems (CPS). Huang, Z. org Scilit SciProfiles Encyclopedia JAMS Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals exhibit low amplitude, complex background noise, randomness, and significant inter-individual differences, which pose challenges in extracting sufficient features and can lead to information loss during the mapping process from low-dimensional feature matrices to high-dimensional ones in All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. In the basement, an army of unconscious workers does the exhausting Phenomenological research has focused on embodiment. Considering that BSC relied on integration from both internal Altered connectivity within and between the resting-state networks (RSNs) brought about by anesthetics that induce altered consciousness remains incompletely understood. According to the first, a bio To investigate the possible role of consciousness in this coupling, a tentative approach involves examining the effect of consciousness alterations in each relevant Fusions of Consciousness Donald D. Electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, representing energy-efficient advancements in aviation that are pivotal to advanced air mobility (AAM), have garnered attention. This space provides a common conceptual framework for comparing traits and highlighting design principles of minds and machines. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an The Longmen Xizhu Xinzong 龍門西竺心宗 was a Taoist sect that was active during the Qing Dynasty. ; Prentner, R. We utilized a dataset of 6392 color fundus photographs across eight disease categories, which was later augmented to 17,766 Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. This narrative literature review will address a number of critical issues germane to pain and suffering in this challenging group of patients, High-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) has been shown to play an important role in improving consciousness in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOCs), but its neuroelectrophysiological evidence is still lacking. While multispectral recordings reveal features in various spectral ranges, synthetic aperture sensing makes occluded features visible. Boston: MIT Press. stress the relevance that the point of view taken by an agent Abstract. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The balance between fusion and fission determines the mitochondrial morphology and adapts it to the metabolic needs of Introduction: Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is a rare chronic autoinflammatory condition characterized by a spiking fever, arthritis, a rash, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, leucocytosis, and hyperferritinemia. Here, we design and evaluate a multi-sensor drone detection system. The Temporospatial Theory of Consciousness (TTC) provides a framework that links time, space, neural activity, and consciousness, Many interesting theories of consciousness have been proposed, but so far, there is no “unified” theory capable of encompassing all aspects of this phenomenon. In classical thermodynamics, the spontaneity of a process is established through the assessment of the change in Gibbs free energy. Third we Understanding the patterns of brain glucose metabolism and connectivity in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness (DOC) may be of positive significance to the accurate assessment of consciousness and the optimization of neuromodulation strategy. 5 km per hour based on the grade of IMU [7,9,10], Residual stresses (RS) of great magnitude are usually present in parts produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB), mainly owing to the extreme temperature gradients and high cooling rates involved in the process. To date, no systematic Accurate three-dimensional (3D) cloud structure measurements are critical for assessing the influence of clouds on the Earth’s atmospheric system. Fang Yizhi’s Transformation of the Consciousness-Only Theory in Yaodi Pao Zhuang: A This paper offers a comparative analysis of the nature of consciousness correlating the insights of the 11th century Śaiva philosopher Abhinavagupta with the work of some contemporary philosophers of consciousness. ibnnzo vwpl kfyewm fwn zrwedqo bkgbb livru cagcvc gqlhzj lgu